Spells and Rituals

Below is my current collection of spells and rituals. These are carried out by myself, on your behalf - there is nothing to ship. Once ordered, I will perform the working for you within 3 to 5 days, although there is an option to fastrack this for an additional fee. Once complete you will receive a video of your spell to view and keep. 

In order for me to cast you working, I ideally need full names and dates of birth. Photographs are helpful to create a tag lock between the spell and the target/s involved. If you don’t have their full names or dates of birth, I can create a Spirit Powder which is just as effective. Photographs and target details can be messaged to me, or you can send via email. I am always happy to help and offer guidance on which spell work is best suited to your situation. If you have any questions, please message me using the chat icon below.

In time I will also be selling my own handmade physical products such as candles and oils, as well herbs and crystals so please sign up to my mailing list to be kept updated.